Monday, January 23, 2012

America's Favorite Actor Johnny Depp!

America's Favorite Actor Johnny Depp!

Johnny Depp is perhaps one of the most versatile actors of his day and age in Hollywood. According to The Harris Poll®, a totally scientific online survey of 2,237 completely average American adults, Johnny Depp is, once again, America's favorite actor!

As if the $200+ million domestic gross of "Pirates of the Caribbean: Whatever, Something Something Blah Blah Blah" didn't tell us that already. The runners up in the Harris Poll®? Denzel Washington, who didn't appear in a single movie last year, and Clint Eastwood. Who, at least, is technically still alive.

Also hanging around, further on down the list: Tom Hanks (#4); John Wayne (#5); George Clooney (#6); Sandra Bullock (the only woman in the top ten at #7); Harrison Ford (#8); Will Smith (#9); and, last but not least, Adam Sandler (#10). 

All of which suggests that the survey's participants either a) were very old and out of touch, or b) clearly hadn't seen a single movie in 2011, because "Larry Crowne?" "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close?" "Cowboys & Aliens?" "Just Go With It?" "Jack and Jill?" Seriously?? Those were all terrible and/or bombs of epic proportions.

Gone from last year's equally fascinating list are Angelina Jolie and Julia Roberts, suggesting America prefers dead actors to living actresses. The troubling, possibly sinister implications of which we'd rather not get into here.

Breaking down the results by demographic, Harris Interactive® was able to determine that Johnny Depp was the favorite of Gen Y (18-34), Gen X (34-46), and Baby Boomers (47-65), while "matures," those aged 66 and older, cited George Clooney as their favorite. Broken down by geographical region, Johnny Depp once again dominated everywhere except the South, which preferred Eastwood. Lastly, liberals and conservatives alike came together over their shared affinity for Tim Burton's favorite muse. Finally! Something we can all agree on! Or not. Moderates, for whatever reason, chose Denzel. Spoil sports.

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